October 29, 2009
October 28, 2009
"Question of Reality" from Cara Janye (freelance writter)
Oct 25, 2009
http://blankproject-carajayne.blogspot.com/ANU School of Art
2nd Year Photomedia Students
"Question of Reality"
Photospace Gallery, ANU School of Art
This one night only exhibition is a sneak preview into the Photomedia department at the ANU School of Art. "Question of Reality" features the work of 2nd year students in their attempt to "create a window into the way we manipulate photography, and the way it manipulates us." 13 artists have worked at interpreting the exhibition concept, with differing results. The concept is broad and allows for great lengths of individually devised works. This is the most intriguing thing about the exhibition; all these artists very much have their own distinguished style. And at first it seems jumbled together, with no clear purpose. But it is refreshing to see such different works produced by artists who are confined to the same learning space.
Their interests are broad, some using photography as a medium to further explore the human body and our relationship with the environment. Others have considered photography outside of its traditional form and printed on fabrics or experimented with images and text. Visit Mueanjai offers a study of the homeless, documenting people in Sydney's CBD. His photographs rely on the audience's recognition of those physical signs associated with the homeless - shoeless, excessive baggage, overgrown facial hair. His work also attempts to challenge our perception of the homeless with some of his subjects more unsuspecting. A close friend of mine who volunteers at a soup kitchen explained to me that people are considered homeless if they do not have stable living arrangements. She said that the homeless could easily be the man in the business suit, or the elderly woman on the bus. The only difference is they might not be too sure about where they will spend the night.
It is a shame that this exhibition was a one night show and was not viewed by a larger group of the public. However the students 3rd and final year is drawing close and I look forward to seeing an even higher quality of work from these emerging artists in the coming months.
-"Question of Reality" opened for one night only - Friday 23 Oct. at 4pm
Many thanks, Cara :D
Visit's statement
Visit Mueanjai
My Australia is about people, building and light of the city. It’s about the way I feel towards Australia, to a different place from my hometown.
Every photograph is a representation of a single day in an Australian experience. It’s not like the universal Australia. I’d like to show the moment in the day. Their stories link to the present, past and the future, from my experience, through the people, between life and death.
My Selected for Independent Work Project

Photography’s everyday life. Canberra was first time to come overseas. I was mostly alone because I knew very few people. I used to walk and ride a bike around city during the day and the night. I was frequently lost and scare but it was a way to feel the city trough photographs.
Sometime, I think the thing I’ve seen they were normally for Australia people everyday life. But, those common things are make me exited.
When I take a photograph about experience life in Australia. It’s not a universal Australia. I have call chic Australia which mean my Australia in my eyes, my private perspective. And my Australia it’s about people, building and light of the city. It’s about the way I feels to Australia, to different place from my home town. For example, when I took a photographs in Sydney field trip. I was take photographs with people who look sad. I get the feeling come from sadness of people such as homeless, workman and people in city life. Maybe, it’s not a good idea about this but I think my photograph say something about why we should have some concentrate for their people.
My photos are my dairy. Every photos are representation in the single day in Australia experience life. And, each single day contain the past and projection into the future. That’s why feels compound to indicate all every photos I take. It’s like I’d like to show the moment in the day. It’s link to the past and the future for my experience life as short time in Australia.